A comedy series for families and kids, the Amber Brown TV show stars Carsyn Rose and Sarah Drew, with Darin Brooks, Ashley Williams, Michael Yo, and Liliana Inouye. The story follows a young girl named Amber (Rose) as she finds her voice through art and music in the wake of her parents’ divorce. When the show begins, Amber is starting the sixth grade in a time of transition — her parents are getting divorced, her mother (Drew) is with a new man, and her best friend, Justin (Joshua Gallup), is moving away.
Based on the book series by Paula Danziger, the Amber Brown series was written and directed by Bonnie Hunt. She also served as showrunner and was an executive producer, along with Bob Higgins and Jon Rutherford.
The comedy’s first season was released on July 29th of last year and the cast’s options have now expired, according to Deadline.
What do you think? Did you watch the Amber Brown TV series? Are you disappointed by the cancellation? Would you have watched a second season?
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