Based on the Green Arrow character from DC Comics, Arrow follows Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), a young billionaire playboy who’s stranded on a deserted island for years. Forced to fend for himself, the experience changes him. When he’s finally rescued, he sees his old home with new eyes and assumes a vigilante secret identity to help those in need and make amends for his past sins. The new TV series also features Colin Donnell, Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Susanna Thompson, and Paul Blackthorne.
Airing opposite The Middle and The Neighbors on ABC, Survivor on CBS, Animal Practice and Guys with Kids on NBC, and The X Factor on FOX, Arrow’s first episode attracted a 1.3 in the 18-49 demographic with 4.0 million total viewers.
Year-to-year, compared to H8R’s premiere in the same timeslot, the network was up by 116% in the demo (vs a 0.6 rating) and up by 210% in viewership (vs 1.29 million). This was a very promising start for the new series and it beat NBC’s Animal Practice in the demo.
Keep in mind however that the real test will be how many people keep coming back week after week. The Secret Circle started out strong last season but lost most of its audience by the end of the season.
What do you think? Did you watch Arrow last night? Will you be watching next week? Live, via DVR, on-demand or online?
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