Previously called Infamous, the Deception TV series takes place following the death of a wealthy party girl. Her childhood friend, now a police detective, goes undercover in the wealthy world that she left behind, reconnecting with the girl’s family, to try to uncover what happened. The cast includes Laz Alonso, Meagan Good, Victor Garber, Katherine LaNasa, Tate Donovan, Wes Brown, and Ella Rae Peck.
Airing on Monday nights at 10pm, Deception runs opposite Castle on ABC and Hawaii Five-0 on CBS. It strts airing on Monday, Janury 7th.
Before you give your opinion about the show’s chances, here’s a preview, some behind-the-scenes interviews, and the full pilot episode:
What do you think? Based on what you’ve seen, will Deception be a ratings hit, a moderate success, or cancelled quickly? Will you watch it live, record it, watch online, or skip it altogether?
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