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Eden: Wilderness Reality Show Cancelled But No One Told the Contestants

Eden TV show on Channel 4: (canceled or renewed?)

It looks like one reality show got a little too real. Variety reports the Channel 4 series Eden left the contestants in the wilderness even after the show was cancelled.

The UK show “assembled 23 men and women and dispatched them to a remote corner of the Scottish Highlands, where they were told to set up a self-sufficient community.” The plan was to leave them there for a year with no contact to the outside world and only a small camera crew in tow.

Eden premiered last summer but apparently Channel 4 cancelled the series after only a few episodes due to low ratings. However, no one bothered to notify the contestants that the show was pulled. Apparently, 13 of the 23 participants left the show throughout filming. The 10 remaining contestants left the wilderness only last week.

Channel 4 says they will air the footage from the whole “experiment” later this year:

The appeal of ‘Eden’ is that it was a real experiment, and when filming began we had no idea what the results would be and how those taking part would react to being isolated for months in a remote part of the British Isles. That’s why we did it, and the story of their time, including the highs and the lows, will be shown later this year.”

What do you think? Have you seen Eden? Would you watch the rest of the series?

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