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The Exorcist: Season Two Poster Released; Alfonso Herrera Looks Ahead

“Evil has a new home.” Recently, FOX released a new poster for season two of The Exorcist, Deadline reports.

The new season of the horror drama will follow Father Tomas Ortega (Alfonso Herrera) and Marcus Keane (Ben Daniels) as they investigate a new case of possible demonic possession at a foster home off the coast of Seattle. The cast also includes John Cho, Brianna Hildebrand, and Zuleikha Robinson.

At Comic-Con this week, Alfonso Herrera revealed to Deadline that Tomas will be dealing with the repercussions of season one in the upcoming season:

Well, Tomas, in a certain way, was a man with a family, a community, a loving congregation, a fast life and career in Chicago, and now all of that is totally gone. It’s replaced by a decision that he made, and that decision results in a lonely, dangerous life on the road, and that’s going to be a huge part of Tomas’ arc over the new season.”

Season two of The Exorcist debuts on FOX on September 29th at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

Check out the new poster below:

What do you think? Did you see season one of The Exorcist? Will you watch season two?

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