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The Exorcist: Season Two; Zuleikha Robinson (The Following) Returning to FOX

The Exorcist TV show on FOX: (canceled or renewed?)

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The Exorcist has a mysterious new character in its midst. Deadline reports Zuleikha Robinson has joined season two of the FOX TV show.

The new season of the horror drama will follow Father Tomas Ortega (Alfonso Herrera) and Marcus Keane (Ben Daniels) as they investigate a new case of possible demonic possession at a foster home off the coast of Seattle. The cast also includes John Cho and Brianna Hildebrand.

On The Exorcist, Robinson will play “Mouse, a mysterious figure waging her own private war against the Catholic patriarchy.” Season two of The Exorcist debuts on FOX on  September 29th at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

What do you think? Did you watch season one of The Exorcist? Will you check out season two?

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