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The Fairly Oddparents: Creator Butch Hartman Draws the Characters 10 Years Older

Are you a fan of The Fairly Oddparents? Recently, creator Butch Hartman drew characters from the Nickelodeon TV show as 10 years older.

Created in 1998, The Fairly Oddparents has been airing on Nickelodeon since 2001. It follows the adventures of Timmy Turner and his two assigned fairy godparents, Cosmo and Wanda. The series is Nickelodeon’s second longest-running cartoon on the network, right behind SpongeBob SquarePants.

What does Timmy Turner look like at age 20? Check out Hartman’s Fairly Oddparents drawings below:

What do you think? Are you a fan of The Fairly Oddparents? Who’s your favorite character?

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