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Girlboss: Vine’s Alphonso McAuley Joins Netflix Comedy Series

Alphonso McAuley

s_bukley /

Girlboss has a new guy. Deadline reports Vine star Alphonso McAuley has joined the upcoming Netflix series.

McAuley has appeared in the ABC comedy The Middle, Comedy Central’s Key & Peele, and in films like Walk of Shame and The Submarine Kid. 

Based on Sophia Amoruso’s popular memoir, Girlboss follows “Sophia (Britt Robertson), a rebellious, broke anarchist who refuses to grow up. She stumbles upon her passion of selling vintage clothes online and becomes an unlikely businesswoman. As she builds her retail fashion empire, she realizes the value and the difficulty of being the boss of her own life.”

McAuley will play Dax, a bartender and the love interest of Sophia’s best friend Annie.

Netflix has already ordered 13 episodes of the comedy series, which will be executive produced by Pitch Perfect writer Kay Cannon.

What do you think? Have you read Girlboss? Will you watch the series?

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