Glenn Martin, DDS revolves around a dentist, voiced by Kevin Nealon, and his family. After accidentally burning down their house, Glenn takes his family on a cross-country trip in a Winnebago. The show also stars the voice talent of Catherine O’Hara, Peter Oldring, Jackie Clarke, and Judy Greer.
The series has been very successful for Nick at Nite, attracting 2.1 million viewers per week and ranking as the most watched series for the cable channel’s third quarter. As a result, the show’s been picked up for another round of 20 episodes.
The series was co-created by Alex Berger, Eric Fogel, and former Disney CEO Michael Eisner. Reportedly, Eisner put up his own money to make the show’s pilot episode.
Of the season two renewal, Eisner said, “Glenn Martin, DDS has clearly resonated with families in its first couple of months. The series is a great fit for Nick at Nite’s new evening programming, and we’re thrilled to be a part of it.”
What do you think? Looking forward to season two?
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