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Guiding Light: Petition to Continue the Venerable Soap Opera

Guiding LightAfter more than 15,700 episodes, CBS has cancelled Guiding Light.

Thankfully, the company that actually owns the show, Proctor & Gamble, wants to keep it going — perhaps online or via a cable channel. Jeannie Tharrington, Director of Communications of P&G’s TeleNext, said, “We’re looking at all our options. This show started as a 15-minute radio show, and then it was a half-hour television show, so it has adapted over the years.”

If you’d like to see the show continue, let them know that you support their efforts and encourage them to keep searching to find a way to “keep the light on.” Here are some suggestions.

If you like the show, make sure that you tune in to watch it on CBS. Encourage your friends to do the same. The show’s decline in viewers is the reason why the show was cancelled. The higher the viewership, the more likely it is that P&G will be able to find a new home for the soap.

Consider buying P&G products. They make hundreds like Bounty, Bounce, Clairol, Crest, Dawn, Gillette, Head & Shoulders, Ivory, Mr. Clean, Old Spice, Pampers, and Pringles. You can visit their site to see the full list. You probably buy some already.

Sign the petition below and let P&G know that you’ve signed it. Spread the word.

Write to P&G and let them know how you feel about the show. Tell that you’re buying their products and which ones you like. Are you a stockholder? Let them know. Be respectful and polite. The company obviously want to be able to keep Light going if they can profit from it. It can be a win-win situation for everyone.
Mr. Alan Lafley, CEO, Proctor and Gamble, Guiding Light support, 1 P&G Plaza, Cincinnati, OH 45201

The last episode will air on CBS on September 18th so don’t delay!

To: Mr. Alan Lafley, CEO of Proctor and Gamble

We the undersigned are faithful viewers of Guiding Light and are dismayed that the program has been cancelled by CBS. This soap has been going for over 70 years and we believe it should not end now. It has evolved in the past and can do so again.

We appreciate that you are seeking a way to continue the soap in some way once it leaves CBS in September. We implore you to keep working until this becomes a reality. We support you through the products that we purchase and will continue to support Guiding Light.

Thank you for your consideration.

2799 Entries - 112 Pages
  • JenCountry: Tucson az 2024-09-17 05:56:56
    Hoping to see both on cbs again I have been missing both as the world turns and guiding light love both shows hope that both shows do return on cbs.
  • JenCountry: Tucson az 2024-09-17 05:46:20
    Love to see both shows of as the world turns and guiding light make a comeback return to tv again.
  • Eric SmithCountry: USA 2023-06-06 18:23:30
    Ever since Guilding Light blew out it's candle on September 18th, 2009, my life has gone down hill (seriously). They were my family. I watched my family every single day. And to not see your family for the last 14 year's, it would be a pleasure to see them again. Please, keep the light going!!!!!
  • Désirée GavaCountry: Conegliano (TV) - Italy2022-12-28 11:45:17
    Great Memories deserve to return to Light! Not to be cancelled. The best Soap Opera ever created should have the possibility to shine again, as their immense Characters and so Irna Phillips!
  • MarieCountry: United States2022-10-11 19:13:26
    I loved Guiding Light and would love to be able to see old episodes and possibly seeing it come back. This was my favorite show.
  • Ted CarterCountry: United States2022-08-04 04:25:01
    Please find a way to bring Guiding light back. Days of our lived is going to stream on Peacock. Think about something like that,or a 30 minute return... GL had over 70 years success.
  • Carol byrneCountry: U SA2022-07-11 02:26:31
    Bring back guiding light
  • Stephen P TobinCountry: United States2022-05-12 13:25:08
    I used to watch As The World Turns And Guilding Light with my Mom and Dad these two shows should never have been removed from TV they were great shows also a lot of people did not have access to Internet back then even today depending on where someone lives or is located internet can be awful if there's anyway to bring these shows back I'm sure a lot of people would love to see these shows again
  • GinaCountry: United States2022-03-20 17:43:51
    I Would love to see Guiding Light back on TV with the same cast. I grew up watching this soap. I don't think it should have ever been cancelled!
  • Carla GravesCountry: United States2022-02-02 21:41:08
    Guiding Light was hands down better than the 2 CBS soaps still airing!! It and ATWT should have stayed on air, and Y&R and The Bold and The Beautiful should have been canceled. Bring back Guiding Light! I grew up with it and it was such a great show. I would definitely watch, especially if a lot of the cast members were back.
  • shawndra PriceCountry: United States2022-01-23 22:50:17
    Watch since 70's cuz of my great aunt. Along with Search for Tomorrow, and As The World Turns. Its never coming back.. a sad day, wish it was back on an old run. Reruns from the start.
  • Josh HeltonCountry: United States2022-01-21 13:21:45
    Bring back Guiding Light.
  • Marie PrayCountry: USA2022-01-12 10:48:52
    Please bring the return of guiding life soap to Television with old cast and new cast.
  • Jenni RupeCountry: USA2021-04-05 05:48:33
    Please bring the show back I love that show when it was on the air.
  • Jenni RupeCountry: USA2021-04-05 05:46:32
    Please bring the show back. I love the show
  • Sandy FolksCountry: United States2020-12-06 21:16:43
    Bring back As The World Turns and The Guiding Light.
  • Kendra JordanCountry: US2020-11-18 21:16:32
    I had watched this show with my Mom ever since I was 4 or 5 yrs old and was so sad when it was CANCELLED!! I would LOVE for it to come back on tv!!
  • Bradley SchraderCountry: US2020-11-10 14:47:22
    Please put Guiding Light back on TV Thank you
  • Joe TofaloCountry: United States2020-09-05 16:29:01
    11 years later and people still yearn for the return of this classic show. Please bring back Guiding Light!
  • Wendy YoungbloodCountry: United States2020-07-16 13:14:40
    Miss the Guiding Light so much! I've began to watch old episodes on YouTube. It be great to see it back on the air again!
  • Dawn P.Country: US2019-05-20 01:20:02
    I began watching the show when my Grama watched when I was about 10 or so(about mid 70's). As life went on and I was growing up, I kept watching all the time. In my adulthood, aside from drama of my own, yes, I still watched the show. I feel the show's interesting and engaging characters and the best in writing abilities really made the best soap opera ever to grace the radio and air waves ever. I eagerly and desperately hope and pray for the show's return. I really feel it will make a terrific comeback to those that were watching when it was cancelled and possibly catch the younger generation by surprise. Thank you though P&G for many years of interesting drama which made contentment for me and my Grama.
  • KimCountry: United states2018-12-27 23:26:31
    I loved watching Guilding light and did for many years. It needs to come back
  • Amanda hutchinsCountry: USA2018-03-01 13:10:23
    Guiding light needs to be back on the air
  • Linda PorterCountry: usa2016-07-25 23:15:03
    Bring it back. All the great actors would come back. Be a trend setter, be the first network to bring a show back. The rating will hit the roof for dong something that has never been done before. Think about it. Do it.
  • Randy McMullenCountry: Usa2016-05-25 18:24:11
    I know this is probably waaay too late, but I just ran across petition...there are many more options for new homes now with multiple cable channels sprouting up all the time...I speak for many people when I say..."BRING BACK OUR GUIDING LIGHT!"
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