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Lassie’s Pet Vet

Network: PBS
Episodes: 13 (half-hour)
Seasons: One

TV show dates: July 1, 2007 — October 12, 2007
Series status: Cancelled/ended

Performers include: Jeff Werber and Lassie.

TV show description:
A “How-to” pet care TV show that’s co-hosted by the world’s most famous dog, Lassie, and celebrity veterinarian Dr. Jeff Werber. Today, pets are like members of our family and this series seeks to explore the emotional bond between domestic animals and their owners.

In each installment, Lassie and her personal vet present a variety of segments that focus on pet health, pet lifestyle, and the pet community.

There are also regular on-location stories as well as “Lassie’s PetVet Tips” that cover every day helpful information on topics like travelling with your four-legged friend, pet grooming, and even little-known trivia.

Series Finale:     
Episode 13
Officer Donavan Jones from California’s Pasadena Police Department has a special best friend and partner on the job — a Belgium Malinois attack dog named Bruno. The show follows this unique team through a normal day at the department, off-duty at home, and while training.

In the “My Pet, My Pal” segment, we meet Jill and Picazzo. While vacationing in Mexico, Jill kept bumping into a stray Dalmation. After he finally ended up following her car one day, she decided to adopt him and name him Picazzo. Unfortunately, he was later stolen. Jill spent months searching for Picazzo in Mexico to no avail. She finally decided to take a chance and hired a psychic to help find her beloved dog. Unbelieveble as it may seem, the psychic was able to help bring this owner and dog back together.

In another segment, the game of flyball is profiled. It’s ideal for workdogs who need more than just regular play to fufill them. Flyball races match two teams of four dogs each that race side-by-side over a 51 foot long course. Each canine races in relay fashion down the jumps, trigger a flyball box, releasing the ball, retrieve the ball, and return over the jumps. The next dog is released to run the course but can’t cross the start/finish line until the previous dog has returned over all 4 jumps and reached the start/finish line. The first team to have all 4 dogs finish the course without error wins the heat.

The episode’s group of “Lassie’s PetVet Tips” include “Are you better off with one dog or two?,” “Diseases that cant pets pass to humans and vice versa.”, and “Options for house training using crates or paper.”
First aired: October 12, 2007.


What happened next?   
There’s been no news of plans to revive the show.


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