The Laverne & Shirley sitcom ran for eight seasons on ABC, from 1976 until 1983. The show revolves around a pair of best friends and roommates who work at a local brewery in 1960s Milwaukee. The series stars Penny Marshall, Cindy Williams, David L. Lander, Michael McKean, Eddie Mekka, Phil Foster, Betty Garrett, and Leslie Easterbrook.
A spin-off of the very popular Happy Days series, Laverne & Shirley set a record as being the only series to debut as the most-watched program of the week. It also has the dubious distinction of running a bit too long. Williams abruptly left the show in 1982 so almost 20 episodes of Laverne & Shirley don’t have Shirley in them.
If Garry Marshall has his way, the original Laverne De Fazio and Shirley Feeney will take part in the new movie. He joked to Extra, “My sister Penny and Cindy are gonna have a guest cameo. They’re gonna walk ‘schlemiel, schlemazel’ — or they’re gonna get tired in the middle and sit down.”
For their part, Garner and Biel are gung ho to make the project and play the wacky characters. When asked about the idea, Garner replied, “Are you kidding? We’re dying to do it!”
If the duo do make the movie they’ll have to work on their rendition of the famous theme-song. They tried to sing it at the movie premiere but didn’t get very far. Garner started, “We’re gonna do it…” and Biel added in some dance steps, “And they do this. Dah, dah. Dah, dah. Something incorporated…”
What do you think? Would you be interested in seeing a Laverne & Shirley movie remake or would it ilikely be as terrible as most of the other TV show-based movies?
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