Marvin Marvin follows the adventures of a super-powered teenage alien (Lucas Cruikshank) who was sent to Earth by his parents for protection. Others in the cast include Pat Finn, Mim Drew, Victory Van Tuyl, Jacob Bertrand, Casey Sander, and Camille Spirlin.
Last night, Cruikshank tweeted, “I’ve been a Nickelodeon boy for years and today it came to an end. So excited for new beginnings. Love you all!”
Earlier yesterday, the actor told fans that he was shooting a special video for them and would post it sometime today.
Marvin Marvin started its run last November. The 19th and final installment aired on April 27th and is an extended episode featuring Big Time Rush.
What do you think? Are you sorry that Marvin Marvin has been cancelled and won’t be returning for a second season?
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