An action series, Matador revolves a popular and swinging bachelor soccer star (Gabriel Luna) who is recruited by a clandestine spy organization in the United States Government. He’s to infiltrate the life of billionaire team owner Andrés Galan (Alfred Molina) who is suspected of using his network of communications satellites for wildly illegal purposes. The rest of the cast includes Nicky Whelan, Neil Hopkins, Jude Ciccolella, Tanc Sade, Peter Gadiot, and Louis Ozawa Changchien.
The first season’s 13 episodes concluded last month. According to Deadline, the series wasn’t cheap to produce. And, though the first season performed well enough domestically, there wasn’t enough interest internationally to proceed with a second season.
A statement from El Rey said, “Ultimately it was a business decision but to be clear, we were very proud of the series on every level-creatively it hit the mark and we are gratified that it celebrated diversity in front of the cameras and behind the scenes… We want to thank everyone involved, from the extraordinarily talented cast and crew to the amazing production team. We appreciate all that they have done and look forward to the opportunity to work with them in the future.”
What do you think? Did you like the first season of Matador? Are you disappointed that there won’t be a second season after all?
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