The beloved sitcom initially revolved around widower Steve Douglas (Fred MacMurray) and his three boys; Mike (Tim Considine), Robbie (Don Grady), and Chip (Stanley Livingston). They were all kept in line by grumpy “Bub” (William Frawley), the boy’s maternal grandfather.
Bub eventually moves to Ireland because Frawley was supposedly too ill to be insured and had to be let go. Thankfully, Bub’s brother Charley (William Demarest) steps in to take his place.
Around the same time, Mike gets married and moves away. Soonafter, Steve adopts Chip’s young orphan friend, Ernie (Barry Livingston), and there were three sons in the house (and opening credits) once again.
My Three Sons ran for an amazing 380 episodes and 12 seasons. It’s also one of the rare shows that switched networks during its run. The sitcom was seen in black and white on ABC for five years and then switched to color and CBS for the remaining seven years.
Most of the castmembers have passed away over the years but the four sons are still with us. Today, three of the sons — Grady and the Livingston brothers — can be heard on Shokus Internet Radio. They’ll be broadcasting for two hours beginning at 7pm EST (4pm PST).
The show is free and you can also speak with them live at 1-888-Shokus-5 (746-5875) or email questions. To listen to the show, surf on over to the Shokus Internet Radio website. If you can’t listen live, you can catch replays of the show until July 22nd.
Shokus also plays a lot of other programming that TV fans and Baby Boomers will enjoy. So, what are you waiting for?
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