A fantasy romantic comedy series, No Tomorrow revolves around an organized young woman named Evie (Tori Anderson). She starts to look at her life and the world in a very different way thanks to a charming, free-spirit named Xavier (Joshua Sasse). He believes an asteroid will destroy the world in eight months so he lives his life to its fullest. Evie tries to decide if he’s crazy or if that even really matters. The rest of the cast includes Jesse Rath, Amy Pietz, Jonathan Langdon, and Sarayu Blue.
The show premiered on October 4th to a 0.48 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 1.51 million viewers. That was a disappointing start, even for a CW series — especially when you consider that its lead-in, The Flash, attracted a 1.26 in the demo with 3.17 million.
The second installment of No Tomorrow plunged about 50%, falling to a 0.25 demo rating with 741,000 viewers. Episode three recovered a bit, rising to a 0.29 rating with 807,000 viewers. It’s now one of the network’s lowest-rated shows.
The CW execs have a slightly different criteria than the other networks when deciding which shows will be cancelled or renewed. Still, at this point, it seems very likely that No Tomorrow won’t survive to see a second season.
But, what do you think? Do you enjoy watching the No Tomorrow TV show on The CW? Is it a better show than the ratings would seem to indicate? Cancel or keep it?
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