Past Life revolves around past-life detectives who try to discover if a person’s problems and visions stem from traumatic events in a former life. The series stars Kelli Giddish, Nicholas Bishop, Ravi Patel, and Richard Schiff.
After just three episodes, FOX pulled the plug on Past Life late last week. There are four episodes that haven’t aired yet but, at this point, it looks unlikely that they ever will.
Actress Giddish isn’t looking to the past any longer though. She’s already been signed to a star in a pilot for a new NBC series.
Chase is a drama project from producer Jerry Bruckheimer. The series centers around Annie Frost (Giddish), a U.S. Marshall who leads a group of Texas officers devoted to tracking down the country’s most dangerous criminals.
The project hasn’t been filmed yet so it’s unknown if it will make it to become a series. Bruckheimer shows have been very successful for CBS (CSI) but not so much for ABC. His show for them, the forgotten, isn’t expected to survive to see next season.
What do you think? Would you watch Giddish in this new series? Was she part of why Past Life didn’t work or was she one of the show’s highlights?
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