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Shark Tank: Petition to Save the ABC Reality TV Series

Shark Tank TV showOn this ABC reality show, five multi-millionaires try to make lucrative deals with newbie entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, Shark Tank hasn’t been a great investment for ABC so, based on the ratings, the show seems likely to be cancelled.

What can you do? Remember, the ideal scenario for ABC is for many millions of people to watch the show on their television sets, while it’s being broadcast. Downloading, viewing online, or watching a recording many days later doesn’t really doesn’t help a series’ ratings. If you like Shark Tank and want to see it continue, there are a few things you can do to help.

  1. Watch the show whenever it’s on, preferably live, and encourage others to do the same. You might know a Nielsen family and not be aware of it.
  1. Talk about the show with others; at school, at work, online, or wherever. Creating a buzz about a show that you’re invested in gets other people interested.
  1. Sign the petition below and encourage others to do the same.
  1. Write to the network. Be respectful. Everyone responds better to courtesy. Tell them how much you enjoy the show, that you’ve signed the petition, and that you want to see it continue. You can use this form or, even better, write via “snail-mail” to: Mr. Stephen McPherson, Chairman, ABC, 500 S. Buena Vista Street, Burbank, CA 91521, RE: Shark Tank
  1. Take note of the products that you see advertised consistently during the show. Write the advertisers and tell them that you appreciate their sponsoring the show and that you buy their products (if you do).

To ABC, Mark Burnett Productions, and Sony Pictures Television:

We, the undersigned, really like watching the new Shark Tank TV show on the ABC network. It’s fun to learn about the interesting products, see the “sharks” do business, and think about which products we would invest in. In short, it’s educational without being boring.

Please find a way to keep Shark Tank on the air. We are devoted viewers who will continue to watch the program, encourage others to do the same, and will support the series’ advertisers as well. Please keep it going, either on ABC or, if necessary, on another channel.

Thank you for your consideration.

499 Entries - 20 Pages
  • Gail PetersonCountry: United States2018-04-20 12:39:23
    Want the show to continue, why stop a good show something the whole family can watch for a change. Listen to the people! Never missed an episode.
  • Karen WaltonCountry: USA2017-03-20 19:01:23
    I like shark tank very much and after a long work week I look forward to a glass of wine, which by the way happens to be from Kevin O'Leary's collection; and watch my favorite cast of millionaires. I think what they're are doing is very generous and educating for up and coming business developers. Each shark brings a certain flavor/skill to the panel all are vital components to the team. Please bring them back.
  • Judy CaputoCountry: America2017-03-01 09:00:53
    Keep Shark Tank Family show Learning tool for all ages Great cast Love show!!!!!
  • Dawn KuiperCountry: United States 2016-10-19 19:56:51
    Please bring back Shark Tank.
  • Rosemary PattersonCountry: USA 2016-05-17 14:59:19
    Please reconsider and keep Shark Tank on! I watch it every Friday night and it is one of the highlights of my week! I record it so I can watch it a second time or go back and write down the name of a product I liked later. I check for all of the talk shows and GMA and THE View to see if any of the Sharks will be on (which they have been on GMA regularly and they were all on The View a few weeks ago) and I loved seeing them on those shows as well. I've learned a lot from them. My best friend from high school is a multimillionaire and he loves the show also saying he has learned from watching. The majority of my tv viewing is on ABC and I'm a major tv viewer because I have a lot of back problems and nerve damage. I urge you to reconsider. I would certainly appreciate it and I know there are so many others that love the show as well! Thank you for listening! Rosemary Patterson
  • Bernadette BoasCountry: Usa2016-05-13 21:21:04
    A smart show like shark tank CANT be cancelled... It's helping the Economy of entrepreneurship and small business... Don't cancel Shark Tank
  • Heather GilbertCountry: United States2016-03-31 22:35:38
    Our daughter in law started a business after being inspired by the show. Every episode we learn invaluable business principles and tips. Please keep this wonderfully entertaining and educational show on the air. Respectfully, Scott and Hesther Gilbert
  • Jean WilcoxCountry: US2016-02-18 16:53:30
    I would hate to see this show go off the air. I use it as a educational tool in my entrepreneurial marketing classes. The students love it and learn alot from watching it.
  • Orlando BallesterosCountry: florida2015-12-17 04:49:00
    please keep the show running please for the love of God . what other show is of that high quality ? let me tell you !!! none .please SHARK TANK MUST STAY ON THE AIR PLEASE.Its the only show on TV with real class,if you take SHARK TANK off ABC my entire family will be forbidden to see ABC ,and as Mr.Wonderfull says ABC will be dead to me. thank you Orlando.
  • Cynthia BroaddrickCountry: USA2015-09-18 16:37:03
    Please keep Shark Tank on the air. My family of six loves it!! We love to watch the products being presented and the Sharks' responses. Please keep Shark Tank running!!
  • Arnold NellisCountry: United States2015-03-29 04:07:36
    This Show Is Awesome. To Show An Individual Can Come Up With An Idea, Make A Company Out Of It And With The Help Of Someone Who Has Experience And Vision As Well As The Ability To Take The Company Where The Owner/Creator Can't Because They Currently Don't Have The Money Or Connections Is Really Something This Country Needs To Showcase. The Sharks Represent The Good Side Of Wealthy Corporate Pioneers Who Want To Give Others The Leg Up They Never Had (As Well As Make Some Money In The Bargain)That's What America Should Aspire To Not Corporate Greed Run Amuck And Buying Political Influence To Further Line Their own Pockets And Serve Only Their Interests. Plus They Hand Out Seriously Needed Lessons To Those Who Just Don't Have the Right Mindsets And Goals To Avoid Going Bankrupt. O'Leary, Cuban, Johns, Corcoran, Herjavek And Grenier Routinely Point Out The Flaws Of These Entrants Business Theories And Practices And More Often Than Not They Do It Repectfully. Many People Who Have Missed Out On Deals Have Taken Advice And Managed To Thrive Afterwards. This Gives Hope To Those Who Are Still Trying To Succeed.
  • wes warwickCountry: usa2015-01-01 15:04:01
    Have been watching the show for about 2 years and am putting together a company and intend to apply. It reflects and presents great ideas, enthusiasm and great business issues and challenges for anyone even thinking about starting a business. It is also a stimulus for entrepreneurs to take their dreams and ideas to the marketplace. Keep it on! Wes
  • Sasa DobrijevicCountry: USA2014-11-04 00:36:29
    I enjoy watching shark tank a lot. It shows me new products for things that I would have never thought existed and opens my mind to new ideas. It makes me want to go out and invent a new product like they do and pitch it to the sharks as well.
  • Tyler OsterhoutCountry: United States2014-09-02 21:14:50
    By far one of the best tv shows I have watched, it teaches many about how the business world works and has real education to it. Former inventor
  • ARTCountry: USA2014-08-13 12:55:41
    The only TV show I watch. Better than a lot of public education. I hope it has many future seasons. Imagine, the format can never run out of material like other shows can. And please show more updates of prior deals.
  • John GrayCountry: USA2014-07-06 19:34:40
    I mandate my students watch this show. Good entertainment and even better learning experience for college undergrads. Pleas do not cancel Shark Tank!!
  • Karen HopkinsCountry: USA 2014-06-02 23:39:53
    Don't cancel Shark tank!!!
  • cedCountry: USA2014-05-09 11:51:19
    I love shark tank - i even convinced my mother and sister to watch it. don't let thje shark sink.
  • kelli scottCountry: usa2014-05-03 16:46:00
    Please don't cancel Shark Tank. There is very little family friendly entertanment on now a days. Please keep us viewers happy.
  • Rick VigerCountry: USA2013-01-26 09:36:23
    This is truly an entertaining program that helps the public become aware of products and innovations that are otherwise not likely to be considered - or discovered at a much later date. The Sharks are excellent and the entrepeneurs are amazing.....I can't imagine the pre-screen processing but it all goes to be a win-win--win for the Sharks, the inventors, and the public. This certainly should be retained before the idiotic sitcoms that are highly rated.
  • Jenifer LandowskiCountry: United States2012-08-22 20:52:25
    I love this show so much! Please don't cancel it!
  • Thomas GCountry: USA2012-08-03 12:53:08
    Please keep the show on!! it give the regular guy or gal a real chance!!! Thank you...
  • SusanCountry: USA2012-07-22 08:20:07
    I love this show and have great ideas to make it even better.
  • Beverly PadgettCountry: United States2012-06-08 20:54:18
    This is a great show. Do not cancel it as it is just too good. Thank you
  • Stacey WatsonCountry: USA2012-04-13 14:27:47
    Plrase keep Shark Tank on, my daughter and her friends as re thinking and starting a business This show makes student think more and I am a teacher and give assignments on this show.
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