Loosely mirroring Fox’s own journey, The Michael J. Fox Show revolves around a beloved TV news anchor (Fox) who stepped away from his career to focus on his family and his health after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The rest of the cast includes Betsy Brandt, Conor Romero, Juliette Goglia, Katie Finneran, Wendell Pierce, Ana Nogueira, and Jack Gore.
Last fall, the show debuted well (by current NBC sitcom standards) but the ratings sank with each subsequent week. The network kept it on the air despite truly terrible ratings. The network maintained that they believed in the show but ultimately pulled it after 15 episodes.
Now, NBC has officially cancelled the The Michael J Fox Show. Though they’d indicated that they would air the remaining seven episodes months ago, they still haven’t been released.
What do you think? Did you like this series? Do you think that it should have been cancelled? Were you hoping for a retooled second season?
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