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The Mole

Network: ABC
Episodes: 46 (hour)
Seasons: Five

TV show dates: January 9, 2001 — August 11, 2008
Series status: Cancelled/ended

Performers include: Jon Kelley, Ahmad Rashad, and Anderson Cooper

TV show description:
A group of contestants must work together to solve mental and physical challenges that will increase the competition’s cash prize.

One of the players (a mole) secretly works against the team to subtlety sabotage their efforts and keep the money amount as low as possible. At the end of each episode, all players (who have not earned exemptions) take part in a quiz in which they try to identify obscure clues and discover the mole’s identity.

The player with the fewest correct answers is typically eliminated. The contestant that makes it to the end of the competition wins the cash prize of up to $1 million.

Versions of the show have aired in many countries around the world. In the U.S., two regular seasons were hosted by Anderson Cooper. Two more seasons, featuring celebrity players, were hosted by Ahmad Rashad.

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