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The Sopranos: Nobody Wants Tony’s Ride

The Sopranos carThe law abiding general public had an opportunity to buy a big piece of the HBO series The Sopranos last week but decided to take a pass.

Tony Soprano’s Chevy Suburban went up for auction on August 3rd via a Profiles in History listing on ebay. The metallic maroon 4×4 truck with grey leather interior was one of two vehicles that were leased for the production of The Sopranos. The owner of the vehicle says that the interior still smells of cigars and that the driver’s side visor was signed by the series star, “Be nice to my car — James Gandolfini.” Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to even raise the auction’s $30,000 minimum.

Tony Soprano’s ride was in good company though. Neither Tom Cruise’s stock car from Days of Thunder ($40,000) nor an original General Lee from the Dukes of Hazzard TV series ($150,000) sold either. Profiles In History spokesman Brian Chanes was at a loss, saying, “We have no explanation. We’ve sold the Knight Rider car here and Magnum’s Ferrari but these vehicles didn’t sell. At present there’s no word as to whether we’ll attempt to sell them at a later auction.”

Would they have had better luck selling the Ford Expedition that ran over Tony arch-rival Phil ‘s head in the series finale? Fuhgeddaboudit. Stay tuned! TV Series Finale home page

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