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Three Rivers

Network: CBS
Episodes: 13 (hour)
Seasons: One

TV show dates: October 4 — July 3, 2010
Series status: Cancelled

Performers include: Alex O’Loughlin, Katherine Moennig, Daniel Henney, Justina Machado, Christopher Hanke, Amber Clayton, and Alfre Woodard.

TV show description:
Set in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this drama revolves around a hospital that specializes in medical transplants. It follows the daily life-saving efforts of the doctors and staff, as well as their emotionally complex personal stories. To deal with the families of potential donors at such a low point for in their lives, and to help deal with the fears and concerns of potential recipients takes more than what most can ever appreciate.

Dr. Andy Yabionski (Alex O’Loughlin) has great skills, and as the lead organ transplant surgeon, he’s also quite the workaholic. He’s good-natured and sarcastic which works well for his bedside manner and in helping him cope with his job. In contrast, Andy’s operating assistant and best friend, Pam Acosta (Justina Machad,) has a no-nonsense approach.

Dr. Yabionski’s team includes a surgical fellow, Dr. Miranda Foster (Katherine Moennig), who is rebellious with a fiery temper. She tries, but doesn’t always live up to the excellent surgical reputation of her late father. Dr. David Lee (Daniel Henney), a surgical resident, is a womanizer who breaks hearts outside of the operating room and replaces them while in the confines of the hospital.

Ryan Abbott (Christopher J. Hanke) lacks experience as the new transplant coordinator, but oversees the crucial, intricate process of getting the organs from donor to patient. Dr. Sophia Jordan (Alfre Woodard) is the head of surgery. She takes her work very seriously and has little patience for the surgeons who don’t sacrifice as much as she does.

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