This dramatic series revolves around a tough and experienced female police officer from Seattle, played by Kelli Williams. Like most working women, Allison McLean’s hands are already full, balancing a demanding and dangerous job and a family — husband Matt (Jonathan Scarfe), and teenagers Jeff (Mitchell Kummen) and Rachel (Natasha Calis). She and her partner, Devin (Dion Johnstone), must arrest her brother, Tim (Luke Perry), for aggravated assault. As a result, her world drastically changes. The rest of the cast includes Matreya Scarrwener, Rhys Matthew Bond, Lucia Walters, and Aaron Craven.
The series debuted in August 2015 and the 10 episodes finished airing in October. The cable channel was apparently considering ordering a second season but earlier this year, they decided not to do so. A message on the show’s Facebook page notes:
After thoughtful consideration, UP has decided to not renew “Ties That Bind.” The decision was not made lightly as we appreciate our passionate viewers who were not ready for the story to end. We want to thank the cast and crew for their tremendous dedication. Your commitment to this series was extraordinary.
What do you think? Did you enjoy this cop drama? Should it have been cancelled? Would you have watched a second season of Ties That Bind on UP?
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