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Two and a Half Men: Hugh Grant Could Replace Charlie Sheen

Hugh Grant Two and a Half MenDeadline is reporting that, up until last night, Hugh Grant was going to replace fired Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men. The British actor pulled out of negotiations at the last minute over creative differences. He was reportedly offered more than $1 million per episode, a big sum that’s still cheaper than Sheen’s $1.8 million per episode income.

Execs have been very hard at work behind the scenes because they want to be able to announce the return of Two and a Half Men for the 2011-12 season at the upfronts next week. Insiders have said that both CBS and Warner Bros want to sign an “A-lister” to join the series.

Executive Chuck Lorre’s biggest requirement is that the person be someone that he can work with. He’s apparently tired of butting heads with Sheen for several years.

Though there’s been a lot of speculation about possible replacements, Grant is the only star to have been in actual negotiations to join the series. The article speculates that Grant could still reconsider. If he does, we know he’ll be playing a new role and not Sheen’s Charlie Harper character.

What do you think? Would Grant be a good choice to join Two and a Half Men? Could casting like that revitalize the series and keep it going even longer than it would have?

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