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Veronica Mars: The Show’s Over But Veronica May Live On

Veronica Mars, superhero?At the May network upfronts, CW head Dawn Ostroff suggested that there was a bit of hope that Veronica Mars could return in some form. That possibility now seems to be dead. Series creator Rob Thomas told TV Guide’s Michael Ausiello “I’m afraid I have to report that Veronica Mars is officially dead. There’s really no way that it can happen now. I’m not sure the CW should’ve given the glimmer of hope.”

Ostroff still likes the low-rated series and in fact renewed it twice when she headed the old UPN network. Unfortunately, this time, her hands are tied. As Thomas says, “At the end of the day Dawn Ostroff doesn’t get to make the final call. Hers is an important voice in the room. But they’re the little sister company of CBS. There was a pretty strong feeling that [CBS chief] Les Moonves didn’t want to do the show”[any longer].

But this may not be the end for Veronica and the other residents of Neptune. Thomas is still interested in pursuing a feature film for the gal detective, saying, “I have some ambition to write a screenplay, see if I can shop that and get it made.” Kristen Bell is certainly interested. She said, “I’m game. I would work for Rob Thomas again in a heartbeat. Not just because of his brilliance, but because he’s a great guy.”

While a full-fledged movie could be a remote possibility, we may still see a fourth season of Veronica Mars, albeit in a different medium. Guided by creator Joss Whedon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer has found new life in comics and Veronica may follow. Thomas said, “I think the best odds for seeing the continuation of the Veronica Mars story is in comic-book form. I had a meeting with DC Comics last week. They want to do the series. I want to do the series. It’s just a matter of making a deal and figuring out when I have the time to write it.”

In the meantime, Bell is shooting the comedy film Forgetting Sarah Marshall in Hawaii and may provide the narrator’s voice for the new CW series Gossip Girl.

Thomas has just been signed as the executive producer of the ABC midseason sitcom Miss/Guided. Word is that the show is both witty and funny and, with Thomas onboard, will quickly become popular with Mars fans. Stay tuned! TV Series Finale home page

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