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America Now: Syndicated Series Renewed for Season Three

America Now season 3The syndicated daily newsmagazine America Now has been renewed for a third season. The news was announced today by Paul McTear, president and CEO of Raycom Media, and Paul Buccieri, managing director of ITV Studios International and president and CEO of ITV Studios America.

The TV show kicked off on September 12, 2011 and is currently co-hosted by Leeza Gibbons and Bill Rancic. It airs weekdays in 45 markets.

McTear said, “We have been so gratified by the positive response to America Now, and we are looking forward to continuing our relationship with our production partner ITV Studios America.”

“We’re delighted with the support from Paul McTear, Raycom and its stations and it’s clear that audiences have embraced the refreshing format of America Now. The show continues to grow in popularity. We are excited with both the third season pick up and introducing more markets to America Now, which has become a go-to source for interesting, relevant stories and useful advice,” Buccieri added.

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