Created by Seth MacFarlane, American Dad began airing in mid-season 2005. A new group of episodes have aired each year so theoretically it’s been on for eight seasons (mid-season 2005, 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, and 2011-12). The FOX website indicates that the current season is season eight as well.
In February 2011 however, FOX announced that the show had been renewed for season seven for the 2012-13 season. Huh? If you look at the calendar seasons, that should be season nine not seven.
It would seem that FOX’s press releases use their production orders as their season count. That’s incredibly confusing for the rest of us because, since the beginning, FOX has aired episodes from two production cycles in the same calendar season.
Last Sunday’s installment of American Dad was produced as part of production cycle seven but theoretically they shouldn’t be airing until fall. Confused yet?
In any case, Deadline reports that American Dad has been renewed and 22 installments have been ordered. To my way of thinking that’s production cycle eight and season 10.
This latest order will take the show through the 2013-14 season and, if they all air, that would be the show’s biggest season in years.
What do you think? Glad to hear the show’s coming back? Do you care what season it is?
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