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Dark Shadows: Kathryn Leigh Scott Is Still Under Barnabas’ Spell

Dark Shadows movie cameoBack in 1966, Kathryn Leigh Scott was cast as Maggie Evans in ABC’s supernatural soap opera, Dark Shadows. She got to play several different roles over the course of the series and stayed with the show for most of its five year run.

Though Scott went on to act in numerous other television series, she certainly doesn’t shy away from her “dark” past. She’s remained active at Dark Shadows festivals and conventions, published and written books about the show, and has even authored a novel that’s an homage to the series.

Scott’s website describes Dark Passages as a “coming-of-age story encapsulating the romance and innocence of JFK’s Camelot era and the tumultuous ‘dark passages’ of Meg Harrison. Arriving in New York City to pursue acting, Meg is a beautiful ingenue who also happens to be a vampire. She joins the cast of the cult hit Dark Passages only to face her nemesis who is bent on destroying her and those she loves.”

Speaking with Mediabistro, Scott noted, “Anyone who, as a kid, ran home from school to watch Dark Shadows will love it.”

In addition to promoting the book, Scott is just back from London. She, Jonathan Frid, Lara Parker, and David Selby spent three days shooting cameos for the upcoming Dark Shadows feature film. It’s being directed by Tim Burton and stars Johnny Depp as mysterious Barnabas Collins. The movie’s set to be released in May 2012.

Scott couldn’t share any details but said that, “It was wonderful… I think the thing that meant the most was as soon as we walked on the set, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp came over and were so welcoming.” She recalls that Depp has been a fan of the show for many years. When she filmed an episode of 21 Jump Street years ago, everyone told her that he wanted to play Barnabas one day.

What do you think? Are you a Dark Shadows fan? Are you looking forward to seeing the movie or reading Scott’s new book?

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