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Dear White People

Dear White People TV show on Netflix: canceled or renewed?

Network: Netflix
Episodes: 40 (half-hour)
Seasons: Four

TV show dates: April 28, 2017 — September 22, 2021
Series status: Ended

Performers include: Marque Richardson, Antoinette Robertson, Ashley Blaine Featherson, Brandon P Bell, Logan Browning, John Patrick Amedori, DeRon Horton, Nia Jervier, Jemar Michael, Wyatt Nash, and Jeremy Tardy.

TV show description:
A sequel to Justin Simien’s 2014 film, the Dear White People TV show takes place at the largely white Winchester University, an Ivy League school. Although they’re subtle, the school is not free from racial animosity.

The pointed comedy takes on the idea of a “post-racial” America, while also following students who are coming into their own as they face the future.

The series explores themes including social injustice, cultural bias, political correctness (and the lack of it, too), as well as activism, which is sometimes much needed and other times misguided.

Netflix says, “Through an absurdist lens, Dear White People utilizes biting irony, self-deprecation and sometimes brutal honesty to hold up a mirror to the issues plaguing society today, all the while leading with laughter.”

Series Finale:
Episode #40 — Chapter X
Opening night of the Varsity Show yields big surprises and a sobering encounter. In the future, the friends’ reunion takes an emotional turn.
First aired: September 22, 2021.

What do you think? Do you like the Dear White People TV show? Do you think it should have ended or been renewed for a fifth season on Netflix?

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