The Diggstown TV show follows a legal aid lawyer named Marcie Diggs (Vinessa Antoine) who continues her exploration of a system fraying at the edges. She and her band of tireless colleagues fight to protect society’s most vulnerable from a capricious justice system. In the third season, Marcie and her cohorts are pushed to the brink, frustrated by an under-resourced and overtaxed legal aid system. The show’s cast includes Natasha Henstridge, C. David Johnson, Stacey Farber, Brandon Oakes, Shailene Garnett, Tim Rozon, and Dwain Murphy.
Season three of Diggstown will have eight episodes. The first two seasons, which aired in Canada in 2019 and 2020, have had six episodes apiece. Season three is expected to film in early 2021 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
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