An animated series, Fish Hooks follows the young fish Milo, his shy brother Oscar, and their “overly dramatic” friend Bea Goldfishberg. The voice cast includes Kyle Massey, Chelsea Kane, and Justin Roiland and the show has been airing on Disney since September 2010.
On Monday, Tom Warburton wrote on his blog: Last Friday I helped deliver the final episode of FISH HOOKS. Yes, after three seasons, and 60 half hour episodes we’re done.”
He continued, “It may come as a surprise to you, but we’ve known for a long time that the third season would be our last. Disney Channel decided not to renew us any further than that. So… The writers left last fall. Then the storyboard artists. The designers. Even show creator Noah Jones left to make a new pilot for Disney XD.”
`”And then it was just me and my merry band of post production people. Over the last couple months. I’ve often described myself as the hospice nurse making the show more comfortable before it passes on. I owe it that.”
He concluded, “Fish Hooks has been nothing but wonderful to me over these past three years. But every show ends at some point. We had a great run. Some shows never make it this far. But it’s time for new adventures. Can’t wait to tell you about them!”
What do you think? Do you like the Fish Hooks series? Are you sorry to hear that it’s ending?
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