Hercules: The Legendary Journeys revolves around the mythical brave and handsome son (Sorbo) of the classic Greek gods as he makes his way through a fantasy version of Ancient Greece. Others in the series include Michael Hurst, Kevin Smith, and Robert Trebor. The series ran for six seasons and spun-off another popular syndicated TV show, Xena: The Warrior Princess.
Sorbo is accusing execs behind the show of “creative accounting” in order to hide money made from the series to avoid paying the actors their share of profits.
The actor recently told BlogTalkRadio, “They are certainly, truly a mafia. They hide the money. They bury the money. They won’t share profits. They won’t pay actors what they’re due on the back end of series.
He continued, “If you can actually get a truth machine on them, and hear what they really say, and hear what they really think, they don’t even like themselves. I had a back-end deal, but they claimed there were no profits. In the circle of actors I know, they talk about it all the time. James Garner sued for his share of the profits from The Rockford Files. Alan Alda sued over M*A*S*H.”
The details of Sorbo’s deal are not known and the actor didn’t say if he was suing for his share of the profits. However, these sorts of issues have come up many times over the past few years. Most recently, Jack Klugman has been sparring with Universal over profits from Quincy, M.E. and Don Johnson successfully sued the show’s other owners for back profits from Nash Bridges.
What do you think? Do you think that Sorbo is due back profits for Hercules: The Legendary Journeys? Do you think he could win a lawsuit?
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