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Murphy Brown: First Look at the Reunited Cast of the CBS Sitcom

Murphy Brown TV show on CBS: (canceled or renewed?)

What does the cast of Murphy Brown look like now? Recently, Candice Bergen posted a photo of the cast reuniting for CBS’ upcoming reboot series, Deadline reports.

As reported earlier, CBS has ordered 13 episodes for a Murphy Brown reboot. The sitcom originally premiered in 1988 and starred Bergen as the titular Murphy Brown, a recovering alcoholic and investigative journalist who returns to host the fictional TV news program, FYI. The cast also included Faith Ford, Pat Corley, Charles Kimbrough, and Lily Tomlin. The show ran on CBS for 10 seasons before ending in 1998.

On Instagram, Bergen posted a photo of Faith Ford, Joe Regalbuto, Grant Shaud, executive producer Diane English, and new cast member Nik Dodani. CBS‘ Murphy Brown reboot is slated to premiere this fall.

Take a look at the cast below:

What do you think? Are you a fan of Murphy Brown? Will you watch the reboot?

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