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Nashville: ABC Teases Mid-season Return With Special Wedding Video


Nashville is preparing for its return to ABC next month, and new music video teasing the big event planned for the mid-season premiere has been released.

What is the big event? Deacon and Rayna are finally getting married, and this music video pays tribute to their relationship.

The series aired its mid-season finale back in December, and the final moments showed Rayna and Deacon together.

There is not much known about the return of Nashville yet, but TV Line revealed that Hayden Panettiere returned to the set on January. She is scheduled to appear in Episode 14 of the series in April. The actress left the series in October to receive treatment for postpartum depression.

Check out the new preview below. Nashville will return to ABC on March 16. Are you excited to see Deacon and Rayna finally get married? Tell us what you think.

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