The TV show revolves around a woman’s need for revenge on the wealthy Hamptons clan that caused the destruction of her family when she was a child. The series features the talents of Emily VanCamp, Madeleine Stowe, Ashley Madekwe, Christa B. Allen, Connor Paolo, Gabriel Mann, Henry Czerny, Joshua Bowman, and Nick Wechsler.
Revenge debuted back in September to a 3.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 10.02 million viewers. That was a solid debut but in weeks two and three, the all-important demo dropped 18% and 11% respectively.
Over the course of the season, the ratings have fluctuated slightly but have also slowly declined. The most recent episodes have garnered about a 2.1 demo rating with roughly seven million total viewers.
Revenge’s season average is currently a 2.5 in the demo with 7.9 rating. If there were more shows in the season, that average would drop. On our ABC Ratings Report Card, those ratings are enough to give the show a “B-” grade.
Despite the network’s touting that the show’s a big success, its fate could have gone either way.
Every year, ABC renews one or two struggling freshman shows for a second season and it appears that Revenge has benefited from that tradition this year. Plus, ABC really needs new dramas and most of their other freshman candidates have been disappointments. There’s also word that the network isn’t thrilled with their current crop of hour pilots.
Will ABC’s gamble pay off? They had faith in Castle and that show become a success (and has also been renewed). Unfortunately, that’s more of the exception than the rule. Time will tell.
ABC announces their 2012-13 schedule next week so we’ll know when Revenge will return and on what night.
What do you think? Are you glad that Revenge has been renewed? Do you think the show’s audience will grow or shrink further next season? Would you suggest any changes?
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