The Rick and Morty season two finale aired October 4, 2015, on Adult Swim, which shares channel space with Cartoon Network. The Hollywood Reporter (THR) and TV Insider are running interviews with co-creators Dan Harmon (Community) and Justin Roiland. The year and a half wait between seasons one and two could have led fans to believe the adult animated series had been cancelled, so Harmon and Roiland make sure to mention that they are already thinking about season three. And yes, there will be third season of Rick and Morty. Adult Swim has already renewed the show.
Co-creator Roiland voices the title characters. The vocal stylings of Chris Parnell, Spencer Grammar, and Sarah Chalke have also appeared in every episode to date. When asked by THR if the duo has any plans to become less hands-on with Rick and Morty, Roiland’s answer was emphatic enough that Harmon had to serve as the voice of reason:
Roiland: No. We really have an opportunity to grow this thing and make it insane — we have a real thing in our hands. It’s just exciting to see that people love it still — it keeps growing and growing. That’s going to be a big priority above anything else, for me anyways. Not to get too inside, (in mischievous voice) but obviously there’s going to come a time when can renegotiate our contracts, and if the show’s still really successful, we might be able to get a lot more money, and all that stuff.
Harmon: (Jokingly cutting him off.) All right.
What do you think? Are you a fan of the Rick and Morty animated TV series? Do you plan to watch the third season?
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