The Boondocks revolves around a family that has moved from the South Side of Chicago to the peaceful suburbs of Washington, DC. Young Huey Freeman (Regina King) is the narrator and voice of reason in the series, mocked by his trouble-making eight-year-old brother Riley (King) and their “Granddad” (John Witherspoon). Others in the cast include Gary Anthony Williams, Cedric Yarbrough, Jill Talley, Gabby Soleil, Kevin Michael Richardson, Jim Meskimen, Carl Jones, DeRay Davis, Affion Crockett, and Corey Burton.
Created by Aaron McGruder, The Boondocks was initially pitched as both a comic strip and an animated series. It was picked up as a strip and began running in newspapers in April 1999. The TV show finally made it to television in November 2005 and McGruder took a six month hiatus from the strip in March 2006 to work on it. When the time came, the creator opted not to return to the comic, preferring to focus on the TV show and other projects.
Boondocks has aired as part of Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim timeblock and has often been criticized for its use of racial stereotypes and language. The first 15 episodes concluded their run in March 2006. The second batch of 15 began running in October 2007 and stopped in February 2008, short of running two episodes that heavily criticized BET. The episodes subsequently aired in Canada and were released on DVD.
Loyal viewers doubted that the series would ever return despite rumors that some new episodes were in the works.
Late last week, McGruder teased fans of the series with the news they’ve been waiting for. “Finally got an airdate for season 3,” he wrote. “Not sure if I’m allowed to put it out yet, so I’ll just say you got about 3 months!”
What do you think? Are you glad to hear that The Boondocks is coming back?
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