A spin-off of Family Guy, The Cleveland Show revolves around Peter Griffin’s pal, Cleveland Brown (Mike Henry), who moves back to his hometown in Virginia to get married. The animated series also stars the voices of Sanaa Lathan, Kevin Michael Richardson, Seth MacFarlane, Nia Long, Jason Sudeikis, Seth Green, Arianna Huffington, Alec Sulkin, John Viener, Reagan Gomez-Preston, and Aaron Krebs.
FOX gave the show a 13 episode greenlight in May 2008, eying a mid-season 2008-09 launch. In November 2008, FOX ordered additional nine episodes, bringing the first season total to 22.
Execs later decided to delay Cleveland’s premiere until Fall 2009. In May 2009, they renewed it for a second year of 13 episodes. A month after The Cleveland Show’s debut in September 2009, the network gave the go-ahead for nine more episodes to round out season two.
In June 2010, FOX ordered a third season of 22 episodes, enough to keep the show running through the 2011-12 season. Last May, FOX renewed The Cleveland Show for a fourth season which will air through the 2012-13 TV season.
So, though FOX is waiting to make a decision on season five, season four is all ready to go for 2012-13. According to Deadline, the network wants to see how the Fall schedule shakes out before committing to any more installments.
The Cleveland Show’s already been sold in off-network syndication to Adult Swim. It’ll debut there in Fall 2013.
What do you think? Do you think The Cleveland Show will be ultimately cancelled or renewed for a fifth season?
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