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The Office: NBC Teases Last Episode Information

The Office series finaleThe peacock network has released some information about the upcoming last episode of The Office. The farewell will be an hour long and will feature a number of guest stars. The finale will be preceeded by a special one-hour retrospective.

Here are the details from NBC:



05/16/2013 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Thursday) :



05/16/2013 (09:00PM – 10:01PM) (Thursday) : THE OFFICE SAYS GOODBYE IN ITS ONE HOUR SERIES FINALE – GUEST STARRING MINDY KALING, BJ NOVAK, RACHAEL HARRIS, DAKOTA JOHNSON, JOAN CUSACK, ED BEGLEY JR., MALCOLM BARRETT, MATT JONES, ANDY BUCKLEY, MIKE SCHUR, BOBBY RAY SHAFER – Months after the airing of the documentary, the workers of Dunder Mifflin, past and present, gather for a wedding and a final round of interviews. Mysteries are solved, hatchets are buried, pranks are prunked. Also starring Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, Ed Helms, Catherine Tate, Leslie David Baker, Brian Baumgartner, Kate Flannery, Angela Kinsey, Oscar Nuñez, Phyllis Smith, Paul Lieberstein, Creed Bratton, Craig Robinson, Ellie Kemper, Clark Duke, and Jake Lacy.

What do you think? Will you be tuning in for the final episode? What would you like to see happen?

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