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Trust Us With Your Life: Not Cancelled Says Wayne Brady

Not Cancelled Trust Us With Your Life on ABC

As we reported earlier, ABC has pulled Trust Us With Your Life off the air after three weeks. Though the TV show has also performed very poorly in the ratings, co-star Wayne Brady contends that the show hasn’t been cancelled.

In a recent audio post, Brady said, “Just a quick message to address something. Trust Us With Your Life has not been cancelled. It’s been removed from the schedule — due to scheduling (chuckle). Because, you know, it’s been up against everything and its grandmother but it’s only going to get better. It’s gonna come back to the schedule. ABC’s doing the right thing so, if you love improv, keep an eye out. It’s not cancelled.”

Given the terrible ratings, it’s highly unlikely that ABC will renew Trust Us With Your Life for a second season, even if they do decide to air the remaining pair of unaired episodes.

Regardless of the fate of that series, Brady will remain busy. He started taping the fourth season of Let’s Make a Deal today. He teased, “Grab a costume and come play! You can’t if I know u though…mom, take off the Beyonce wig!”

What do you think? Do you think ABC will air the remaining episodes of Trust Us With Your Life? Do you think there’s a chance that they’ll order additional installments?

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