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Which New TV Show Will Be Cancelled First? The 2011-12 Season’s Biggest Hit?

The X Factor first cancelled or biggest hit?Once again, the networks are heralding their new shows as the latest and greatest in television. Of course, once the ratings come in, the execs will quickly change their tunes and some TV series will be cancelled so quickly your on-screen TV listings won’t be able to keep up.

Now that we’ve all seen promos and ads for the new shows, we’d like to know which shows you think will be the fall season’s biggest success and biggest flop. We’ve listed all of the new network series below in the two categories below so vote away!

Note: Since the networks often don’t want to admit that a TV show’s a dud, we’re looking for the first TV series to be either cancelled or put on hiatus for more than a week.

Which will be cancelled (or pulled) first?

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What will be the season's big hit?

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And be sure to take the polls about what you’ll be watching each day of the week: Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday.

What do you think? Do any of the new shows look like a big stinker right from the start? Which one(s) look like instant hits?

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