The V story revolves around Earth’s first alien encounter when huge motherships appear over 29 major cities. Known as the Vs, the visitors seem human-like, and are equipped with numerous gifts of technology and healing knowledge. They are received as saviors, who are willing to share their capabilities for the small reward of sharing Earth’s resources. However, a resistance begins with a group of skeptical humans who suspect that the Visitors are not as awesome as they seem. They soon discover that the aliens have infiltrated Earth for years and, indeed, have a shocking agenda.
Castmembers include Elizabeth Mitchell, Morris Chestnut, Joel Gretsch, Charles Mesure, Logan Huffman, Lourdes Benedicto, Laura Vandervoort, Morena Baccarin, and Scott Wolf.
Season One of the new V has just been released and the three-disc set includes all 12 episodes from the first season and special features including, Breaking Story: The World of V (Taking a Fresh Perspective on the V Mythology), The Actor’s Journey from Human to V (Cast Members on the Techniques, Challenges and Rewards of Reimagining a Classic Tale for a New Generation), An Alien in Human Skin: The Makeup of V (Makeup Application and Execution), Fruition (executive producers commentary on episode 11), The Visual Effects of V (A Primer on the Series’ Jaw-Dropping Visuals Includes a Fascinating Tour of FX Powerhouse Zoic Studios), and unaired scenes.
You can purchase the DVD set for $30.49
Guidelines: This giveaway is open to participants with a United States mailing address only. (International readers can enter if they have a friend in the States who can accept their prizes by mail.) Many may enter but one person will win. You must be 18 and older to enter and no purchase is necessary. Contest ends December 6, 2010.
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