Army Wives follows the lives of a diverse group of women living with their spouses and families on an active Army post. Created by Katherine Fugate, the series has starred Catherine Bell, Kim Delaney, Sally Pressman, Wendy Davis, Brigid Brannagh, Kelli Williams, Brian McNamara, Sterling K. Brown, Brooke Shields, Ashanti, Torrey DeVitto, Elle McLemore, Jesse McCartney, Terry Serpico, Drew Fuller, Alyssa Diaz, J.J. Soria, Joshua Henry and Burgess Jenkins.
Rob Sharenow, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Lifetime, said, “There is no denying how special Army Wives has been to both Lifetime and the television landscape. By taking on a very relevant and timely issue, it has brilliantly captured the challenges our military families endure and the bravery they and their loved ones display while serving our country.”
What do you think? Are you sorry that there won’t be an eighth season of Army Wives? Do you think the special should wrap up the storylines in some way?
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