Brothers revolves around a former NFL superstar (Michael Strahan) who finds himself with an empty bank account and heads back to his old hometown. He must make peace and work with his newly-paraplegic brother (Daryl “Chill” Mitchell) who runs a struggling restaurant. The series also stars Carl Weathers, CCH Pounder, and Colton Dunn.
On September 25th, Brothers debuted to a disappointing 2.82 million viewers and a paltry 1.0/4 in the 18-49 demographic. The numbers have gotten even worse as the weeks have progressed. The network recently started rerunning episodes on Sunday nights in hopes of finding an audience for the show. It hasn’t helped.
FOX recently announced that they were bumping low-rated Brothers, ‘Til Death, and Dollhouse from the Friday schedule for the duration of the November sweeps period.
Repeat episodes of Brothers will however continue to air on Sunday nights. Original episodes will be quietly burned off on November 8th, November 22nd, and December 13th. On December 27th, FOX will air two installments. After that, Brothers is off the schedule and the timeslot will be filled by ‘Til Death.
Though FOX hasn’t officially said that they’re cancelling the sitcom, they aren’t ordering any more episodes either. They’ve dubbed the second installment on December 27th as the “season finale,” meaning that it won’t be back this season. Considering the terrible ratings, the network is highly unlikely to order a second round.
So, it looks certain that Brothers has been quietly cancelled. The question is, will many people notice?
What do you think? Is Brothers gone for good? Are you sorry to see it go?
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