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The Challenge: Season 30 Renewal Announced by MTV

The Challenge TV Show: canceled or renewed?

The Challenge is coming back! Fans of the MTV competition reality series will see season 30 arrive this summer, and some familiar faces will be back to battle it out. The new season is called “Dirty 30!”

MTV released a press statement and video detailing the new season. Check them out below.

“MTV today revealed the cast of THE CHALLENGE XXX: Dirty 30 with the biggest, baddest season yet. Thirty of the series’ most unpredictable players travel to South America for the most intense competition to date. Fan favorites will fight their way through the most extreme, daring challenges where they vie to compete for their chunk of $1 million – the largest prize in franchise history. The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 premieres Tuesday, July 18th.

“We owe a major ‘thank you’ to the fans of The Challenge and all its iterations throughout the years,” said Jon Murray, Founder and Executive Consultant, Bunim/Murray Productions. “Their dedication to the show and desire to watch their favorite – or least favorite! – reality stars battle it out in physical and mental challenges has enabled the show to come back season after season, and the 30th season will undoubtedly defy expectations.”

Meet the cast of “The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30”:

Amanda – Denver, CO Insta: mtv_amanda Twitter: @MTV_AMANDAG

Ammo – Salt Lake City, UT Insta: loveistheammo Twitter: @loveistheammo

Aneesa – Narbeth, PA Insta: aneesamtv Twitter: @AneesaMTV

Ashley M. – Las Vegas, NV Insta: mtvashleybrooke Twitter: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE

Johnny “Bananas” – Fullerton, CA, Insta: realjohnnybananas Twitter: @MTVBananas

Britni – Atlanta, GA, Insta: mtv_britnicol Twitter: @BritniNicol

Camila – Lincoln, NE Insta: camilamtv Twitter: @CamilaMTV

Cara Maria – Bozeman, MT, Insta: misscaramaria Twitter: @CaraMariaMTV

Cory – Los Angeles, CA, Insta: corywharton_ig Twitter: @MTVCoryWharton

CT – South Florida, Insta: _famous4nothing Twitter: @TheOfficial_CT

Dario – Los Angeles, CA, Insta: dario.medrano Twitter: @Dario_medrano_

Darrell – Elk Grove, CA Insta: lb4lb_fitness Twitter: @mtvrrdarrell

Derrick H. – Charleston, SC, Insta: imdroc15 Twitter: @imdroc15

Derrick K. – Chicago, IL, Insta: DerrickMTV2 Twitter: @DerrickMTV2

Devin – Northampton, MA Insta: mtv_devin Twitter: @MTVDevinWalker

Hunter – Anderson, AL Insta: mtvhunter Twitter: @hbarfield13

Jemmye – New York City, Insta: justjem24 Twitter: @JustJem24

Jenna – Long Island, NY, Insta: jennacompono Twitter: @JennaCompono

Jordan – Los Angeles, CA, Insta: jordan_wisely Twitter: @jordanW_usa

Kailah – Las Vegas, NV, Insta: kailah_casillas Twitter: @kailah_casillas

LaToya – Raleigh, NC Insta: teatimewithtoya Twitter: @TeaTimeWithToya

Leroy – Detroit, MI Insta: N/A Twitter: @Bruce_Lee85

Marie – New York, NY Insta: mar8e Twitter: @MarieeTBD

Nelson – Austin, TX Insta: mtv_nellyt Twitter: @MTV_NellyT

Nicole R. – Dunedin, FL, Insta: nicolexoramos Twitter: @NicolexoRamos

Shane R. – Baton Rouge, LA Insta: @shanejraines Twitter: @TheShaneRaines

Simone – Los Angeles, CA, Insta: simonejkelly Twitter: @SimoneJKelly

Tony – Baton Rouge, LA Insta: t_raines Twitter: @t_raines33

Tori – New York, NY, Insta: tori_deal Twitter: @tori_deal

Veronica – San Francisco, CA Insta: v_cakes Twitter: @v_cakes

Fans can connect with the new season by following @ChallengeMTV on Twitter and Instagram and on Facebook at Don’t forget to use #TheChallengeXXX.

The Challenge: XXX was created for MTV by Bunim/Murray Productions. Jonathan Murray, Gil Goldschein, Scott Freeman and Fred Birckhead serve as Executive Producers. Ryan Smith and Danny Wascou serve as Co-Executive Producers.

About MTV:

MTV is a global youth culture brand inspired by music. MTV is a unit of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA).”

Check out the preview for the new season of The Challenge below. Are you excited for the return of this series? Tell us what you think.

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