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FBI: International

FBI: International TV show on CBS: canceled or renewed?


Network: CBS
Episodes: Ongoing (hour)
Seasons: Ongoing

TV show dates: September 21, 2021 — present
Series status: Has not been cancelled

Performers include: Luke Kleintank, Heida Reed, Vinessa Vidotto, Christiane Paul, and Carter Redwood.

TV show description:      
A procedural drama series, the FBI: International TV show was created by Derek Haas and is the second spin-off in the FBI franchise.

The story follows the elite operatives of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s International Fly Team. Headquartered in Budapest, they travel the world with the mission of tracking and neutralizing threats against American citizens wherever they may be. They put their lives on the line to protect the U.S. and its people.

Special Agent Scott Forrester (Kleintank) is the Fly Team’s accomplished and dedicated leader. He puts his missions ahead of his personal life and is rarely seen without the team’s “secret weapon” – their trusty Schutzhund dog, Tank.

The team’s second in command is Special Agent Jamie Kellett (Reed). She’s not afraid to tussle (in an alley or courtroom) and her extensive network of informants is a powerful resource.

Special Agent Andre Raines (Redwood) shines in the field and makes good use of his accounting background in tracking criminal enterprises’ moving money. Special Agent Cameron Vo (Vidotto) is the group’s newest member, a competitive West Point grad who excels at interrogation and strategy.

A vital part of the mix is unflappable Europol Agent Katrin Jaeger (Paul), a multi-linguistic liaison between the FBI Fly Team and each host country they inhabit.

Series Finale:     
Episode #TBD
This episode has not aired yet.
First aired: TBD.

What do you think? Do you like the FBI: International TV show? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for another season?

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