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His Dark Materials: Season Two Trailer Released by HBO, Episode Cut Due to COVID-19

His Dark Materials TV show on HBO: (canceled or renewed?)

His Dark Materials has a second season on the way, and a trailer has now been released. Andrew Scott, Jade Anouka, and Simone Kirby join the HBO series for season two and can be seen in the video. They join returning performers Dafne Keen, Ruth Wilson, Ariyon Bakare, Amir Wilson, and Lin-Manuel Miranda.

HBO revealed the following about the new season in a press release.

“In the second season of HIS DARK MATERIALS, Lord Asriel (James McAvoy) has opened a bridge to a new world, and, distraught over the death of her best friend, Lyra (Dafne Keen) follows Asriel into the unknown. In a strange and mysterious abandoned city she meets Will (Amir Wilson), a boy from our world who is also running from a troubled past. Lyra and Will learn their destinies are tied to reuniting Will with his father but find their path is constantly thwarted as a war begins to brew around them. Meanwhile, Mrs. Coulter (Ruth Wilson) searches for Lyra, determined to bring her home by any means necessary. HIS DARK MATERIALS is available on HBO and to stream on HBO Max.”

The second season will be one episode shorter than planned. BBC reports that one episode of the second season was cut due to production being shut down because of  COVID-19. The standalone episode, which would focus on McAvoy’s Lord Asriel character, could not be filmed but may be produced at some point in the future.

Check out the trailer for the new season and a video of the Comic-Con@Home panel below.

What do you think? Are you a fan of the His Dark Materials series? Will you watch season two of this HBO show?

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