The TV show follows Rob (Rob Schneider), a former life-long bachelor and landscape architect with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He marries into a close-knit Mexican-American family and attempts to be closer to them, intentions that often ending in disastrous results.
Debuting on January 12th, ¡Rob! drew a 4.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 13.47 million viewers. That was a positive start and, compared to the previous original episode of Rules of Engagement, the network was up by 52% in the demo and 41% in total viewership.
Over the course of the season, the ratings for ¡Rob! declined and the March 1st finale hit a new season low; a 2.6 in the demo with 8.99 million.
The first season of ¡Rob! averaged a 3.3 rating in the demo with 11.02 million. On our CBS Ratings Report Card, which measures the relative success of shows on the network, ¡Rob! has a “B” grade and is #8 on the list of CBS scripted shows.
On any other network, these kinds of numbers would have been enough to warrant season two. However, CBS has plenty of hit sitcoms so they have very high standards for success. For whatever reason, CBS has cancelled ¡Rob! after one season and eight episodes.
What do you think? Are you going to miss the ¡Rob! sitcom? Do you think that it should have been cancelled or renewed for a second season? Is it better than Rules of Engagement?
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