A single-camera comedy, the Teachers TV show is based on a web series of the same name from The Katydids improv group. The series revolves around six elementary school teachers who are trying to mold young minds — but their own lives aren’t really together. It stars Caitlin Barlow, Katy Colloton, Cate Freedman, Kate Lambert, Katie O’Brien, and Kathryn Thomas.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s chances of staying on the air. The higher the ratings, the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available.
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For comparison: The first season of Teachers on TV Land averaged a 0.14 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 409,000 viewers (live + same day ratings).
Cable ratings are typically released within a day or so of the show’s airing, except for in the case of weekends and holidays. They are sometimes harder to come by so there may be occasional delays or gaps.
What do you think? Do you like the Teachers TV show? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for a third season?
4/21/17 Update: Teachers has been renewed for season three on TV Land. Details here.
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