The TV series revolves around a high-profile fugitive, Red Reddington (James Spader), who mysteriously surrenders to the FBI. He agrees to help catch a “blacklist” of criminals but only if he’s partnered with FBI Special Agent Elizabeth Keen (Megan Boone). The rest of the cast includes Harry Lennix, Diego Klattenhoff, Ryan Eggold, and Ilfenesh Hadera.
Airing on Monday nights in the post-Voice timeslot, The Blacklist has been averaging a 3.6 rating in the demo with 11.97 million total viewers. It’s the highest-rated scripted series on the network by far so the full seaosn pick up comes as no surprise.
What do you think? Are you glad to hear that NBC has ordered more of The Blacklist? Do you think the ratings will hold up throughout the season — or will they fall like Revolution’s did last season?
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